Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Bibbulmun Track: Overcoming a mental challenge

At last, I take the plunge and decide to walk solo on the Bibbulmun Track this month. It's a small step - I will walk nearly 100 km from Collie to Balingup - but this is where the saying about taking the first step being the most important of tasks, if you want to accomplish something, rings so true.
What stopped me from doing this before?
The ultimate challenge is to walk all the way to Albany of course. On average, you need six weeks to finish the walk through bush land, magnificent forests, and fine beaches. You carry in a rucksack everything you need on this journey. Because you could only hope to carry a week's supply of food, a lot of logistics is required. You will want food drops and to stop in towns on the way to clean up from the muck collected in the bush.
There's also the looks of horror on Sim's face when I announced I was planning the long walk all by myself. That can't be safe? So I pick a good time to go. This is the peak period, usually after the winter rains stop dropping, and the high 30's heat hasn't returned to stop any form of hiking. I reassured Sim that you're never alone on the Bib as the track is fondly called. After al, it'll be just three days. I should be all right.
Other than three days food supply, I think I have everything I need for the walk. I'll have lots of time to myself. I'll read a lot (I take along my Kindle) and I'll sleep a lot.
I can't wait.

Progress reports can be read at